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Espagne, élue transgenre, Assemblée de Madrid, Carla Antonelli, extrême droite, transphobie, personnes transgenres, LGBT, plaidoyer,
« Ils veulent nous priver de soins médicaux spécialisés et mettre nos vies en danger, comme cela s’est déjà produit par le passé. À l’époque, ils ne se souciaient pas de notre existence, parce que prostituées et expulsées, nous ne les dérangions pas. Leurs prédécesseurs nous traquaient, nous chassaient dans les parcs et les rues. Aujourd’hui, nous avons quitté les marges : nous sommes à l’université, dans les entreprises ; nous sommes professeures, pharmaciennes, actrices, militaires, policières, avocates, écrivaines… Nous occupons des sièges et nous avons une place dans l’État. Nous n’avons plus peur. Nous ne retournerons pas dans l’ombre. »
1er média transféministe audiovisuel en France
As transgender lawmakers in a Republican-dominated government, they have shown that representation, relationships, and the power of speaking truth in hostile spaces can move hearts and minds. Their success is a reminder that even in the most challenging environments, refusing to back down can make a difference.
Discover the power of the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI), a unique participatory democracy tool that empowers EU citizens to shape Europe by proposing new legislation. Engage directly with EU policymakers by supporting or launching an initiative that matters to you. Learn how the ECI works, explore active initiatives, and utilize resources to make your voice heard in the European Union. Get involved today and help drive change across Europe with the European Citizen’s Initiative.
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Fuck You America!
I don’t want your hatred.
I don’t want the military decorations and medals you awarded me.
I don’t want your pension money for my distinguished military service and service-connected disabilities.
I don’t want your health care to treat the mental illnesses you caused.
I don’t want more psychiatric ward commitments to keep me alive in a nation that I despise.
I don’t want to be buried in any of your state or national cemetery’s for veterans and military retirees.
I don’t want to be buried anywhere on American soil.
I don’t want any military honors or ceremonies to mark my death.
I don’t want my ashes to be stored on American soil.
I want my ashes or remains to be spread or buried in international waters.
I don’t want your flag anywhere near my body, remains, or ashes.
I don’t want any members of my family other than my spouse to be on the vessel that disposes of my ashes or remains.
My death is not a surrender.
My death as a member of the third gender and transgender population does not mean you won.
It solely marks the end of our association.
You are not the land of the free.
You are not a country getting made great again.
Too much demonstrated hatred throughout your existence extinguishes any claim to previous greatness.
You are a cesspool of zealots that worship a god that does not and has not ever existed.
Enjoy your new royal family and third world dictator.
I refuse to participate any further.
Have that Nazi piece of shit Elon Musk and his DOGE henchmen deduct the savings from my $93,000 of federal pensions from your bankrupt coffers.
The white man decimated and massacred the indigenous populations of the third gender on the lands now called America. It was only fitting that a white person restored it.
You cannot erase non-binary and transgender people because you give birth to more of us each day
Transidentités : histoire d’une catégorie
Note perso : Ca sent pas bon...
À partir de la décennie 1960, les transidentités deviennent plus visibles et à des rythmes différents selon le contexte politique national ; des mesures médicales et juridiques sont adoptées pour prendre en compte les demandes des « trans », souvent sous la pression des nouvelles normes internationales. Durant les années 1990, des associations voient le jour et s’européanisent pour dépsychiatriser la transidentité ; elles trouvent dans la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme une alliée pour faire évoluer les législations nationales.