URL: https://linuxfr.org/news/projets-libres-episode-21-devenez-le-bibliothecaire-de-votre-reseau-avec-inventaire-io
Title: Projets Libres! Episode 21 : devenez le bibliothécaire de votre réseau avec inventaire.io
Authors: Podcast Projets Libres !
Benoît Sibaud et Ysabeau 🧶
Date: 2024-04-01T09:42:29+02:00
License: CC By-SA
Tags: podcast_projets_libres, inventaire, bibliothèque, wikimedia, wikidata, fediverse et activitypub
Score: 14
Nouvel épisode du podcast Projets Libres !
Dans cette entrevue nous recevons Maxime Lathuilière, fondateur du projet inventaire.
Inventaire est une plate-forme qui permet de faire sa bibliothèque en ligne, mais aussi de localement partager, prêter ou donner ses livres.
Ensemble nous abordons les thèmes suivants :
Et vous, connaissez-vous ou utilisez-vous inventaire ?
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Le champs des partisans - Anna Marly
Dragon Ball Z - Tapion Theme Tab by Misc Cartoons
Dragon Ball Z - Bardock Theme Solid State Scouter Tab by 94Stones
Nasty Letter Tab by Otis Taylor
Doing it to the death - intro
Doing it to the death
The Rains Of Castamere Tab by The National
To Live is To Die - Le morceau du debut ! <3
Imagine (Fingerstyle) Tab
Imagine (Acoustic) Tab
Tapion's Theme Tab
J'ai demandé à la lune Tab
Californication Tab
Hells Bells Tab
Game of thrones (Fender Video) Tab
Main Theme (Metal) Tab
The Rains Of Castamere Tab
Soldier Of Fortune Tab
Le chant des partisans
The wait is over. Six years later, The Kills are back with a sixth album: God Games. And what better way to discover this new work than onstage at the ARTE Concert Festival?
Antifa argues that violence is necessary, but a rigorous democracy is a far stronger weapon
At the same time, the antifa movement’s failed approach to the problem of fascism is not itself the problem. We should reject the antifa conceptualization of fascism as an ineradicable evil that exists outside of history and context, while also rejecting the fraudulent conservative canard that the antifa movement is the moral equivalent of Nazism. We can celebrate the specific, justifiable instances of anti-fascist violence—such as the defence of Cornel West and other black clergy members who gathered in Charlottesville—while also acknowledging that the antifa movement’s general tendency toward unreflective violence is neither morally justified nor strategically effective.
Above all, we must broaden our view of fascism to recognize that the most insidious incarnations of fascist ideology today won’t arrive accompanied by swastikas and torches—they will be found in government policy that seeks actively to subjugate minorities (through the expansion of militarized police forces and racist incarceration regimes), suppress voting rights (through gerrymandering and voter-ID laws), and bar immigration or expel people from particular backgrounds. The solution to these problems lies not in street fights against torch-bearing goons but in increased activism and political engagement within the system itself. Victory against contemporary fascism involves the expulsion of hate-mongering politicians and the dissolution of their agenda, and that can only be achieved through anti-fascist policy, not extrajudicial anti-fascist violence.
rsync -avzP my.server.com:/var/www/shaarli.mydomain.org/data ~/backups/shaarli-data-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M)
Meme la consultation en devient impossible.
#fail2ban a adapter.
UPDATE (Mar. 26, 2010) Just realized I never posted the link to the PDF the code here generates: here it is. My bad. I've been doing a little reporting project, and I've been searching around for quite some time for a good graphing and charting solution for general-purpose use. I had come across ReportLab before,
Info Band:
主唱小葵:台上具有强大的侵略性,台下是乐队的小太阳,永远阳光四射。 吉他小鸟:平日自带二次元,上台则凶猛暴躁。 贝斯欢子:看着是慢悠悠的小女孩,但其实意志最为坚定,思想也最为独特。 鼓手青青:是DummyToys的骄傲,真正的爆裂鼓手,拿起鼓槌立即原地爆炸。
Name: Dummy Toys乐队
Country of origin: China
Location: Qingdao
Genre: Punk-Rock
!! Don't forget to support the band !!
The rise of Chinese AI startup DeepSeek has been nothing short of remarkable. After surpassing ChatGPT on the App Store, DeepSeek sent shockwaves to the tech world, triggering a frenzy in the market. But the attention hasn’t all been positive. DeepSeek’s website faced an attack that forced the company to suspend registrations, and some skeptics