Le champs des partisans - Anna Marly
Dragon Ball Z - Tapion Theme Tab by Misc Cartoons
Dragon Ball Z - Bardock Theme Solid State Scouter Tab by 94Stones
Nasty Letter Tab by Otis Taylor
Doing it to the death - intro
Doing it to the death
The Rains Of Castamere Tab by The National
To Live is To Die - Le morceau du debut ! <3
Imagine (Fingerstyle) Tab
Imagine (Acoustic) Tab
Tapion's Theme Tab
J'ai demandé à la lune Tab
Californication Tab
Hells Bells Tab
Game of thrones (Fender Video) Tab
Main Theme (Metal) Tab
The Rains Of Castamere Tab
Soldier Of Fortune Tab
Le chant des partisans
The wait is over. Six years later, The Kills are back with a sixth album: God Games. And what better way to discover this new work than onstage at the ARTE Concert Festival?