Le champs des partisans - Anna Marly
Dragon Ball Z - Tapion Theme Tab by Misc Cartoons
Dragon Ball Z - Bardock Theme Solid State Scouter Tab by 94Stones
Nasty Letter Tab by Otis Taylor
Doing it to the death - intro
Doing it to the death
The Rains Of Castamere Tab by The National
To Live is To Die - Le morceau du debut ! <3
Imagine (Fingerstyle) Tab
Imagine (Acoustic) Tab
Tapion's Theme Tab
J'ai demandé à la lune Tab
Californication Tab
Hells Bells Tab
Game of thrones (Fender Video) Tab
Main Theme (Metal) Tab
The Rains Of Castamere Tab
Soldier Of Fortune Tab
Le chant des partisans