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[Article de 2010] Body Parts and Bio-Piracy -
Int’l committee must investigate Israel’s holding of dead bodies in Gaza
A brief history of Israel’s theft and trafficking of Palestinian organs – Mondoweiss
Qui sont les Juif.ves antisionistes ? - L'Humanité
Revealed: Israeli military creating ChatGPT-like tool using vast collection of Palestinian surveillance data | Israel | The Guardian
Ethical alternatives: brands to buy from if you boycott Israeli apartheid | Ethical Consumer
Jewish man mistakes two Israeli tourists for Palestinians and opens fire on them in Miami | Florida | The Guardian
Two artists, one catastrophic war … Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman on Israel-Gaza and the ceasefire – cartoon | Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman | The Guardian
Nearly 400 Rabbis, Jewish Leaders Say 'No' to Trump Push for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza | Common Dreams
Donald Trump signe un décret prévoyant des sanctions contre la Cour pénale internationale, Israël félicite le président américain
Le bureau de l’Assemblée nationale saisi après que le député RN Frédéric Falcon a qualifié d’« antisémite notoire » l’élue LFI Ersilia Soudais
Trump Says US Will 'Take Over' Gaza, Send Palestinian Refugees Elsewhere - Bloomberg
Trump wants to make Gaza a holiday hub without Palestinians
Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia
WhatsApp says journalists and civil society members were targets of Israeli spyware | WhatsApp | The Guardian
Colonial desire meets TikTok in Israel's 'lingerie genre'
Tsedek ! Collectif juif décolonial (@tsdkcollectif) • Instagram reel